If you’re reading this article, it means that you probably already have the AMAAN app on your smartphone. It’s truly a pride for us at AMAAN to be able to apply the principle of “Balancing Work and Worship” through the AMAAN app and contribute to your life through everything we offer through the app.
Now, you must be curious about what you can get from joining #JalanAMAAN and having the AMAAN app. Let’s take a look below!
AMAAN Community
Being part of the AMAAN Community means you’ll have a new “family” that will help you develop your business, enrich yourself with knowledge, and much more. By being part of the AMAAN Community, we always ensure that everyone has the opportunity to empower themselves, so they can be more beneficial to their families and surroundings.
Next, there’s the “Shopping” feature, which is one of the beneficial features in the AMAAN app. By using the “Shopping” feature, you can fulfill your daily needs such as groceries and other household essentials. The interesting part is that the more you buy through the “Shopping” feature, the cheaper the prices will be. Quite tempting, isn’t it? Although it’s not available in all areas yet, don’t worry, the “Shopping” feature will soon be available wherever you are. Just wait for the information!

AMAAN Shares
As a token of gratitude and appreciation from AMAAN to our members, the AMAAN Shares giveaway is an opportunity for AMAAN to share gifts every month, which you can find in the AMAAN app. In each edition of AMAAN Shares, you have the chance to win various exciting prizes with a total value of millions of rupiah!

AMAAN Points
AMAAN Points is a new program we launched as a form of appreciation and gratitude for loyal and active AMAAN members who use the app. You’ll have the opportunity to earn points that can be collected and redeemed for various attractive rewards!
Rewards for Silaturahmi Rutin (Regular Gathering)
“Silaturahmi Rutin Berhadiah” or Rewards for Regular Gatherings will soon be available within the community. This will surely encourage you to attend the regular gathering events more diligently!
There will be even more new features in the AMAAN app that you, as an AMAAN member and Ibu IdAMAAN, can enjoy! Just wait for the launch date and don’t forget to keep your AMAAN app updated to receive the latest information about AMAAN!