AMAAN Friends, one of the greatest advantages of joining #JalanAMAAN is getting financing to advance your existing business. While it’s true that you can obtain loans and financing from various sources to grow your business, joining AMAAN offers several benefits. One of them is how everything that happens on the AMAAN app is done in a highly transparent manner. What does transparency mean? Let’s read below!
Funds Directly Deposited to Your Account
When you register for business financing on the AMAAN app, the entire financing process takes place online and paperless. Besides being environmentally friendly, this approach also provides easy access anytime and anywhere, as it can be monitored and tracked digitally through the AMAAN app. Once your financing application is approved, the funds provided to advance your business will be directly deposited into your personal account.
Therefore, it’s crucial that you DO NOT provide your ATM card, ATM PIN, or OTP (One-Time Password) that you receive to anyone else, even if it’s an AMAAN Official assisting you in the loan application process. Make sure to handle everything yourself!
Online Deposit Proof
After the financing funds are disbursed, you will receive an online deposit proof that can be accessed at any time. So, don’t worry! The approved financing funds from the AMAAN team will be fully given to you and will not be misused by any party. Always remember that at AMAAN, we always strive for “Harmony in Work and Worship.”
Check Your Balance Anytime
By using the AMAAN app, you can check your account balance anytime and anywhere. So, if you want to check your balance, simply open your AMAAN app and you can instantly see the remaining balance. Don’t forget to always update your AMAAN app so that you stay informed about the latest updates from the app!
So, it’s quite clear how the financing process with AMAAN is transparent, right? AMAAN Friends just need to be cautious for the security and comfort of all AMAAN Friends. Remember to never share your app password, ATM card, ATM PIN, and most importantly, the OTP you receive with ANYONE. Additionally, always wait for official information regarding your financing from AMAAN Officials or automatic notifications from the AMAAN app!