Being a beneficial individual for the surrounding community is something desired by all of us. Especially individuals who empower the community to reach their maximum potential. This can take various forms, from having a small business that can provide assistance to the family’s economy, to becoming a leader in the community who provides support and education on how to achieve one’s best potential.
As an Ibu idAMAAN you can certainly become a leader within the Ibu’s community! First of all, we would like to congratulate all the Mothers who have officially been appointed as Ibu idAMAAN. May your journey as an Ibu idAMAAN be smooth and full of blessings for the Ibu’s community and your family.
Now, as an Ibu idAMAAN, what are the responsibilities and benefits of being an Ibu idAMAAN?
Responsibilities & Benefits of Being an idAMAAN Mother
After officially becoming an Ibu idAMAAN, there are certainly several responsibilities and many benefits that you can enjoy. As an Ibu idAMAAN, one of the significant responsibilities you have is to find AMAAN Friends who can join the Ibu’s community. Look for trustworthy friends with good character, so that they are always trustworthy in paying installments and being part of the AMAAN Community. You also need to ensure that they always attend the Routine Silaturahmi (SR) meetings to pay installments before the due date.
In addition to the responsibilities, there are also many benefits that you can gain from being an Ibu idAMAAN. Starting from incentives that you can receive from every AMAAN Friend in the Ibu’s community, special training from AMAAN that you can apply to your business and family, to participating in various exclusive events and programs that enrich your knowledge.
So, how can you protect yourself and the Mother’s community? Let’s find out below!
Conduct Routine Silaturahmi (SR) Carefully
After realizing the importance of conducting Routine Silaturahmi (SR) with AMAAN Friends in the Ibu’s community, it would be great if these meetings happen regularly, at least twice a month. Not only will you be able to receive installment payments from friends more effectively, but communication between you and the friends will also be better. When conducting SR, it is crucial for Ibu idAMAAN to do it carefully and effectively. Don’t forget to always apply the important values of AMAAN, namely: Spirit, Care, and Discipline.
Make Good Use of Silaturahmi Time
When carrying out Routine Silaturahmi, remember to make good use of your time. As an Ibu idAMAAN and a leader in the community where you live, you may not always have a lot of time to communicate with AMAAN Friends. Therefore, make the most of this valuable time and don’t let it be just a place for gossiping with friends. Use this time to exchange stories, ideas, and help friends with any problems they are facing in their respective businesses. By doing so, trust and connection between you and the friends will continue to thrive.
Ensure You Provide Security Awareness to AMAAN Friends
To maintain the safety and comfort of both yourself and the AMAAN Friends, it is essential for you to always remind them to be cautious against any attempts of fraud, data theft, and others. Remind all the friends not to provide personal information to anyone other than verified AMAAN Officials who have official identities that can be verified.
Being a leader in the Ibu’s community is not an easy task. Now, you have responsibilities to many AMAAN Friends as a link between them and the Officials of AMAAN. Although it may sound challenging, holding this role can also be something very beneficial. Always stay motivated, Mother!